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A jerk with a loud boom box!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2016
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Lake Wales Fl.
Well I can say now that I got put into jail and charged with Aggravated Assault with a deadly weapon. I was dumping my trash into a garbage can at the front of my property when a jerk on a side by side with a loud boom box that was rattling my windows in my house stopped at the side of the road. Which Is not law full to have on the road. Shined a flash light at the vehicle and hollered to turn the music down and advised him the vehicle was not law full. He called the cops and said I brandished a gun at him. So the cop's arrested me and took all my guns out of my gun safe and ammo. Had to get me a lawyer that cost me 3500. and found out to day all charges where dropped. But still have to try and get my gun's back. So be ware of the new law's on the book's out their. You think you have the right to bear arms think again. These law's are coming under domestic violence law's in state's.


Sponge Bob Square Wheels
Sep 10, 2008
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AZ Desert,
I guess from now on call the cops. That's unfortunate, it sounds like over reach the use of domestice violence charges and guilty before a hearing


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2013
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Or you could say there are a lot of abandoned wells around everywhere hint hint! Sorry that happened to you there Russ I guess the law doesn’t protect us law abiding citizens anymore


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2016
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Lake Wales Fl.
They tell me it is civilization moving in on me. I told the officer what was the first part of that word civilized. Not their is no respect for each other any more it is about me me and I I I. One officer said I called them 164 times in three years and to buy me some head phones or ear plugs. So you know what I told him or where to go. Though law abiding citizens had right's also. I have had stuff shot up on my property and been shot at my self by night hunter's. We have not had any law where I am at for 30 plus year's and when they do show up it is an hour or two before they show. I could be dead by then if I can not protect my property and my family. Then what is a man to do. Yes I am a hunter or was and avid gun owner. Was and sniper with an M1 carbine in the service and a mark's man with a 45 revolver. Had to kill to stay alive in Nam. Swore to protect our county against foreign and domestic invaders. So how do you think I feel about our country now. I feel like the American Indian did when we came over. So why did all those guy's die over their when communist are taking over our laws and country. Stop hiding be hind fences and putting our head's in the sand and lets all stand up and take our country back. :usflag::usflag::usflag::usflag:


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2016
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Lake Wales Fl.
I guess from now on call the cops. That's unfortunate, it sounds like over reach the use of domestice violence charges and guilty before a hearing
The law said I have called 164 time in three year's. I thought that is why I paid taxes. And you think your an angry old guy. I was young once ye me but we had respect for every one else that is how we where raised. Not this new generation they never even have had their bottom spanked. Just go to a corner for a time out. Ha Ha.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2013
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I appreciate your service Russ! And I agree this is our country not the criminals or at least it is supposed to be

Rich B

Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2019
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Minot, ME
C0EAFCC5-C1F4-42CE-8BD9-6E78688AC0A0.png Yes Russ, thank you for your service also. Am retired Army myself and had 6 years (still in HS, delayed entry) in the Navy. Just enlisted 2 months before the Cuban Missile Crisis. Can’t say about those days, JFK was a loose cannon. He orchestrated the U.S. involvement in Vietnam and after his untimely demise......

Actually if you had a neighbor you could trust, that’s all it might take. If you both could work towards the same goal; having unwanted neighbors to move elsewhere. We’ve been at our location for 32 years now and have had 5 different occupancies each on either side of us in that time. This one on the other side now I’ve been mowing around the property stake on her property for the past 32 years; about a month ago she piles up some branches and debris to stop me lmao. Stone wall on my side so I dug up the rocks, lined the property line with them and put in a rebar barricade. Results: she was ripshi- and I now have a beautiful mowing path on my property. My property ends over on other side of woods 10’ From her house maybe. Just said now you’ve really pissed me off and you haven’t seen anything yet, end of discussion.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2016
Reaction score
Lake Wales Fl.
View attachment 28303 Yes Russ, thank you for your service also. Am retired Army myself and had 6 years (still in HS, delayed entry) in the Navy. Just enlisted 2 months before the Cuban Missile Crisis. Can’t say about those days, JFK was a loose cannon. He orchestrated the U.S. involvement in Vietnam Nam and after his untimely demise......

Actually if you had a neighbor you could trust, that’s all it might take. If you both could work towards the same goal; having unwanted neighbors to move elsewhere. We’ve been at our location for 32 years now and have had 5 different occupancies each on either side of us in that time. This one on the other side now I’ve been mowing around the property stake on her property for the past 32 years; about a month ago she piles up some branches and debris to stop me lmao. Stone wall on my side so I dug up the rocks, lined the property line with them and put in a rebar barricade. Results: she was ripshi- and I now have a beautiful mowing path on my property. My property ends over on other side of woods 10’ From her house maybe. Just said now you’ve really pissed me off and you haven’t seen anything yet, end of discussion.
Thank you for your service also. All of my hero's died in battle so that is what I consider a real Hero. A service man that gives the ultimate sacrifice for his country. I have good neighbors but this jerk came from 2 and half miles down the road to make my life a living hell. All charges where dropped but still have to pay to get my gun's back and expunge the record. What a mess for doing my service to my neighbor hood. The cop's wont do it. Takes and hour or hour and half to get a response to my area. They retired me after three tours in NAM. I was blown out of the water and have a lot of damage to my body. Russ. :usflag:

Rich B

Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2019
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Minot, ME
Sorry to hear on your disabilities Russ, hope VA is helping there all they can. Son has only 1 leg these days, we help him out also as much as we can. I refuse to go to the VA myself, everybody tells me I need my head examined. Well we have the family retired medical and nothing wrong with me except tinnitus (called tri-care here). They don’t need to be seeing me there, taking up time and space when Vets that really need assistance are in line. Know a few phonies too, getting away with it- just unethical, I don’t say anything; could never play act that well anyways.

I would wait across the street for the boom boxer (hear him coming) next Saturday night in the ditch or tree line. Have a plank (match road color) with big nails and line to drag across the road from opposite side just before he shows and stops. Might get only 2 flat tires if lucky lol. Slowly exit and make wide sweep entering your back entry. Have all lights off and observe what occurs. If police show, just play unknowing. I used to have too much fun it seems, hmm. Can’t make threats like the good ole days, picked up on too quick. Way more tattlers out there now also.

Also a secret is no longer one if you tell even one person......
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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2016
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Lake Wales Fl.
Yes the laws have changed. The law dose not consider these guy's and threat. What I want to know how can they here a train horn or and emergency vehicle siren. Don't think it is safe and pubic service should in force a loud noise law. I got a ticket back in the 60.s for my cherry bombs being too loud. Had to get new ones and put them on to comply with the law. Yes I had a 100 watt amp on my Creag power play radio and 8 track player so I could here my music over the cherry bomb mufflers. But you could not here it out side the car like these Bass Boom Boxes like to day. What is up with that. I did not want to bother other people and I could here sound's out side the car believe me. Heard the police when they where pulling me over. Have a good one and be care full what you do. Every thing we do now can be considered a hate crime. (Your buddy jail bird Russ. ):lol: