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Islamic Center at ground zero


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2009
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This guy is a British comedian even though in the video his isn't being funny.Funny it takes someone from there to put this into prospective,you may not agree with all he has to to say,but he makes some good points.Be careful playing this at work,there is no profanity but someplaces,(like mine) have these hostile work environment,workplace harassment policys.
http://www.jihadwatch.org/2010/06/pat-c ... rised.html


I think you guys are full of shit.
Jan 23, 2009
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hudson valley ny
69hemibeep said:
Yep he nailed it :toetap:

a slap in the face putting it there.....then the freedom towers are built.....they fill there place with explosives and down comes the towers again....how stupid :eek: :eek:


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2009
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Winnipeg, Canada
As a Canadian I am amazed at how laid back your country is becoming in letting this happen...are you adopting the Canadian "Oh I'm sorry you stepped on my foot" philosophy. US politicians (all 545 of them) control everything and I can't think of a better way for those politicians to find yet another way to insult and piss on the people they are supposed to serve...must be the money. At least in the US you have a way of getting rid of them [the politicians]. What I am concerned with is that if the mosque is built, someone, someway, someday who has been personally injured by 9-11 is going to knock it down [I would think that to be the entire patriotic tax paying public of the US]....which will just fester further jihad against America...the war goes on. Just remember that war is politics (diplomacy) by other means so again that brings you as US citizens back to the 545 people controlling everything. This is happening because they want it to....November coming!!!


Sponge Bob Square Wheels
Sep 10, 2008
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AZ Desert,
BBillyC said:
As a Canadian I am amazed at how laid back your country is becoming in letting this happen...are you adopting the Canadian "Oh I'm sorry you stepped on my foot" philosophy. US politicians (all 545 of them) control everything and I can't think of a better way for those politicians to find yet another way to insult and piss on the people they are supposed to serve...must be the money. At least in the US you have a way of getting rid of them [the politicians]. What I am concerned with is that if the mosque is built, someone, someway, someday who has been personally injured by 9-11 is going to knock it down [I would think that to be the entire patriotic tax paying public of the US]....which will just fester further jihad against America...the war goes on. Just remember that war is politics (diplomacy) by other means so again that brings you as US citizens back to the 545 people controlling everything. This is happening because they want it to....November coming!!!
Its pretty sad isn't it, and they don't care the agenda means more than their political careers.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2008
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Rocky Hill, Ct
There was just an incident in CT at a mosque where they were verbally assaulted by some people from out of state. They felt threatened by it and couldn't understand why. They always say that they are a peaceful religion, but it's hard for us to believe that when their radical brothers are waging against those who don't believe the way they do.


Plaid Sport Coat Wearing Moderator
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Nov 4, 2008
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New Port Richey, FL
Roadcuda said:
They always say that they are a peaceful religion, but it's hard for us to believe that when their radical brothers are waging against those who don't believe the way they do.

The proof is in the pudding... :soap: :soap: :soap:

Until they develop a HUGE degree of tolerance for everyone else's religious beliefs I don't have ANY USE for ANY of them and I don't give a rat's A$$ if it is not PC for me to say so...

Dust off the Enola Gay, chart a course for mecca, and let's give those a$$hats something to think about... :devil: :devil: :devil:


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2009
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Winnipeg, Canada
The best philosophy in warfare is to hit the enemy as hard as you can, in the spot where it is going to hurt the most, and when they aren't looking. It's an old Chinese philosophy written by Tsn Tsu in "The Art of War". American's witnessed this on several occasions but mostly with Pearl Harbor and 9-11, but not to forget or lessen the experience of the marines and others who fell victim to those sorts of attacks. The Enola Gay answered Japan with the same surprise attack philosophy, but George lost his way to Al Quaida and wound up attacking Iraq but there was plenty of warning to Sadam, so it was no surprise. Afganistan is just bleeding your economy dry...one of the final doctrines of warfare is to kill your opponents financial ability to wage war and to destroy their lines of communication. How much better is the economy in Afganistan while the war goes on, maybe war for the politicians there is a good thing as it provides real money, while unsettling the voters at home...much like Viet Nam did. The sabers are still rattling with North Korea and Iran. Now you have peacemaking going on with Iran :eek: imagine Obama meeting with ajamerjinidad (or however you spell it), as long as they let the three hikers go. Since WWII the US has been the worlds cop, how long can that be sustained while these bags of shit politicians [on both sides] keep finding more soil to shed the blood of US (and recently Canadian) soldiers.


Plaid Sport Coat Wearing Moderator
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Nov 4, 2008
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New Port Richey, FL
moparstuart said:
69hemibeep said:
Everything I ever wanted to know about Islam I learned on 9-11
:huh: :blah: :blah: :loco:

Stuie, you're somehow unclear about what happened on 9/11/01...or you just don't have a patriotic bone in your body...???


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2009
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overland park ks / odessa missouri
ACME A12 said:
moparstuart said:
69hemibeep said:
Everything I ever wanted to know about Islam I learned on 9-11
:huh: :blah: :blah: :loco:

Stuie, you're somehow unclear about what happened on 9/11/01...or you just don't have a patriotic bone in your body...???
no not it at all ,but I know muslims and islamic people who are good people , you are talking about extremists please dont lump them all together . , just like you wouldnt want to lump all us christians together . :jester:


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2009
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Pittsburgh, PA
I'm sure there are Stu, but ya gotta admit, it takes BALLS the size of boulders to build this thing anywhere near Ground Zero! Totally inappropriate - to put it nicely.

I would think that some of those nice Islamic folks would agree? :huh:

Kind of like building a Nazi center in the middle of TelAviv.......


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2008
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Orlando, FL
In 1st Corinthians chapter 10 the Apostle Paul had some wise words for a certain situation that I think apply here equally well:
1 Cor 10:23 All things are lawful, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful, but not all things edify.
1 Cor 10:24 Let no one seek his own good, but that of his neighbor.

Now, we understand that Paul was talking about things which were allowable and legal under the law. Not everything is legal, but of those things which are legal not all of them are profitable and uplifting. For these people who want to build this mosque I would say; "yes, it is legal according to the law for you to build your mosque, but you must admit it is not uplifting to the community at all. In fact it is extremely insulting. Look not to your own good, but also to that of your neighbors. Will this be uplifting to them? Unfortunately the answer is no. If therefore you purport to be loving, sympathetic and empthetic you would find another place to build your mosque."

And while I'm on the subject of the people who want to build this mosque, did you hear that the State Department is sponsoring the Imam of this very mosque to go over to the Middle East and be a good will ambassador to promote how nice the US is to Muslims??? Since the State Department is a governmental department it would seem that this is a violation of the separation of church and state clause (as it is misguidedly interpreted today). If the State Department had tried that with a Christian leader the outcry of opposition would have been immediate and vehement. Just another example of a government that has lost its mind... :loco:


Plaid Sport Coat Wearing Moderator
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Nov 4, 2008
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New Port Richey, FL
Very well stated, John. Much more politely stated and even-keeled than anything that I could currently muster up...

I fully understand Stuie's point...I have met a few "Christians" in my lifetime that I would not spit on if they were on fire...but none of them comandeered a B767 and flew it into a building killing 3,000 innocent people.

Let's approach this differently. Let's say that one belongs to a "club". Now let's suppose that most of the members of this "club" are nice, fine, law-abiding citizens that are only interested in the pursuit of whatever this "club" has as its primary interest. When a certain faction of the "club" turns to activities that the majority of the "club" members claim to abhor and not support then one of three things must happen: 1) the unruly members of the "club" are tossed out and forced to reorganize under a new "club" name - perhaps one that clearly identifies their new purpose or mission. 2) One-by-one the upstanding members leave the "club" because they do not wish to be associated with this aberrant behavior. Maybe they join a different "club" or maybe they reorganize to clearly differentiate themselves from the old "club". 3) The "club" is completely disbanded because it has strayed so far from its original core purpose that it cannot be salvaged.

There are obviously an infinite number of scenarios that can be extrapolated from these three basic paths, but for the sake of brevity let's assume that this pretty much captures the three viable options moving forward. To date, NONE of this is happening, which is why most of the sane world is now lumping all of these "people" (really demeans the meaning of that word...) together under one banner: TERRORISTS. If all of the "good muslims" that stuie is hanging around having coffee with don't want to branded as one of these asshats then I guess that they had better start considering their options...

:soap: :soap: :soap:


Sponge Bob Square Wheels
Sep 10, 2008
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AZ Desert,
I'm glad you can look at them as neighborly Stuie and I have some in our hood that come across the same. But it is in their teachings that they are aloud to present them selves as friendly to the infidels until their numbers grow to the point that they can invoke their will upon us. So no I don't trust them :cents:

Jim S.

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2009
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White Bear Lake, Mn.
This is as "tolerant" as I can be. I DO hope they build that thing. Because if they don't, it will not give anyone a chance to blow it up. :devil:


Plaid Sport Coat Wearing Moderator
Staff member
Nov 4, 2008
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New Port Richey, FL
Jim S. said:
This is as "tolerant" as I can be. I DO hope they build that thing. Because if they don't, it will not give anyone a chance to blow it up. :devil:

Hopefully FDNY will be out "on another call" when that happens... :cheers: